

The premiere will be on the 2nd and 3rd of February in coproduction with the Trafó House of Contemporary Arts in Budapest. See you there!

Sea Lavender had been invited for a performance on the 900-seat main stage of the Volkstheater in Vienna. Unfortunately, Éva Fahidi fell ill one day before the scheduled date and was temporarily hospitalized, so the show as planned had to be cancelled. However,  the staff of The Symptoms did their best to conjure up the spirit of the work at the same theater in Vienna.

Mourning will be present on  Primanima 2017 Animation Movie Festival, in the segment of "Best films of Mediawave 2017", on 21st October in Jókai Mór Cultural Center, Budaörs.

You trash! Big cleaning in the big outdoors, with a  big scum band in the programme of CAFe Budapest Contemporary Art Festival.

The Symptoms present the Miracles of the Night on the occasion, merging high-tech and contemporary dance on stage. After the performance, artistic director Réka Szabó invites Judit Berg, author of Rumini children's books for a discussion about youthful creativity and the ways to discover it in ourselves.

Mourning won 500 EUR audience award of Bucharest International Dance Film Festival