

Tilos Radio, one of Hungary's best-known community radio stations was broadcasting a talk with Réka Szabó, artistic director of The Symptoms on June 15 from 6 pm.

Check out the talk in the broadcast archive (in Hungarian!)

Our production 'Nothing there' is invited to The Place in London, the most important contemporary dance centre in England. The performance of The Symptoms will be the opening event of 'The Turning World' - international festival lasting one month. The production will be performed on 2nd and 3rd June in London.
For the company members and guest artists Csaba Horváth, leader of Forte Danse is organising a workshop between 27 April and 10 May. The workshop closes with a public session on Sunday, 10 May at 11 o'clock, in the venue of L1 Táncmûvek, where those interested can take a quick look into the collective work process.

Nylon Revue by The Symptoms is listed among the award winners of this year's Fringe+ Festival, which was performed on 3 April at the Millenáris with a full house. The prize is the possibility to play at the Thália Studio.

Due to tehcnical reasons the performance Catastrophe Marathon on March 3 is going to start 8 pm, instead of the schedule 7 o'clock at the Skéné Theatre.
The Catastrophe Marathon featured in our brochure for April is cancelled, presenting instead everyone's favourite Cold Pack - a laydown comedy in one inact on the 5-6th April also in Skéné.

The performance Nothing there was nominated for the Lábán prize.
The Trafó and the MU Theatre founded a prize in autumn 2005, named after Rudolf Lábán, with the aim of popularizing the most outstanding artistic achievements of the Hungarian dance. The jury is made up of independent aesthetes, reviewers and theatre journalists. This year there were 8 nominees, among them we also find the performance premiered last February by the The Symptoms titled Nothing there – or do dreams go to sleep during the day.