

Sea Lavender to debut in three festivals

Our piece Sea Lavender will debut in three Hungarian festivals this March. First, we will bring the piece to Jászai Mari Theatre (Tatabánya) to perform at MOST Festival on March 19, 7 pm.  On March 24, the piece will be performed at Karinthy Theatre (Budapest) within the framework of the Purim at Karinthy at 7pm, and last but not least, on March 25, we are travelling to Debrecen to perform at DESZKA Festival at Csokonai Theatre.

The German premiere of Sea Lavender

Our recently debuted performance Sea Lavender will be presented in January in Germany. On January 24, we will perform the piece in TAK Theater im Aufbau Haus in Berlin, on January 27 th and the 28th we will bring it to the stage of dieSCHOTTE Theatre Erfurt. 


Photo: Csaba Mészáros

The duet of Éva Fahidi, a 90-year-old Auschwitz survivor and Emese Cuhorka, a young talented dancer explores questions such as the gap between a woman living with the memory of Holocaust and a young woman of today, the existence in a young and old body  - all this with humor, honesty and empathy. The performance was directed by Réka Szabó, artistic director of The Symptoms

Crying Will Get You Nowhere

Dear All,

I am Réka Szabó, director of the documentary Crying Will Get You Nowhere. Before divulging any details, let me start by thanking all of you for taking a few minutes to get acquainted with our project. If we manage to raise the funds necessary to complete the film, I am confident that we will have brought to the screen a truly moving story about a remarkable woman, Éva Fahidi. Time is of the essence. This film must be made now — or it never will. But what is the story, you may ask?

The Symptoms, a Hungarian dance-theatre group have launched their first crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo in relation to Crying will get you nowhere, a documentary film with an extraordinary approach to the topic of ageing.

The film focuses on Éva Fahidi, a 90 year old Holocaust survivor who - despite her age -  decided to step on the stage of a theatre for the first time in her life to perform in The Symptoms’ dance-theatre performance Sea Lavender. The film is directed by Réka Szabó, artistic director of the company. 3 days have left from the campaign. Those who want to support the creation of the film in exchange for a very special gift can still do it for 3 days.

Dear All,

 I am Réka Szabó, director of the documentary Crying Will Get You Nowhere. Before divulging any details, let me start by thanking all of you for taking a few minutes to get acquainted with our project. If we manage to raise the funds necessary to complete the film, I am confident that we will have brought to the screen a truly moving story about a remarkable woman, Éva Fahidi. Time is of the essence. This film must be made now — or it never will. But what is the story, you may ask?

Premiering October 13-14, 2015 at 19:30 o’clock // Vígszínház Home Stage

Sea Lavender — or the Euphoria of Being

In this duet of two women, a 90-year-old Auschwitz-Birkenau survivor teams up with a young dancer.

Éva is a passionate pleasure-seeker, while Emese is bent of saving the world. Éva never says good-bye, while Emese enjoys coming home. What connects them is the common language of dance. One of the last witnesses of the Holocaust, Éva has kept her clothes she wore as a young woman, and they fit Emese to a tee. Emese is tall; Éva likes to believe she has remained so. They look alike...