

New play of The Symptoms in English

"Nothing I have ever seen in dance comes close to the feats of endurance, skill, beauty, bestiality, self-knowledge that this guy Dani, was willing to put himself through. A sacrifice to be sure, but not a meaningless absurdity. As if all of evolution was compressed, not in a straight line towards glorious progress at the end, but in a back and forth between the divine and the reptilian, both in us, one not higher than the other, but fused together. "

(Danny S. Fruchter, director of the International Institue For Theatre Research)

New play of The Symptoms Loop in English, 27th April at MU Színház.

Sea Lavender on the Contemporary Drama Festival

We play Sea Lavender with English subtitle and translation in the Contemporary Drama Festival on 2nd December. Tickets are available on the website of Vígszínház.

Sea Lavender won Special Award of Theater Critics

Assosiation of Theater Critics rewarded the best prformances of the last season 37th time this year. Sea Lavender, duet of Éva Fahidi and Emese Cuhorka, directed by Réka Szabó won Special Award on 21st September.

The Miracles of the Night in Vaskakas Művészeti Központ of Győr on 24th June.

The miracles of the night in September in Trafó

Have you ever lain awake through the night with someone by your side, without “anything” happening between the two of you? And risen in the morning to a changed world inside nonetheless?

A girl busy with her drawing and a boy recreate this strange, dream-like state of something like awe in which two people just stare at each other. 

Mary and Max

Inspired by A. Elliot’s dough animation

Dear Audience,

We would like to tell you quite a nice story. It is more or less about how and why it does not matter whether you are young or old, whether you were born to be ugly and wretched, whether you live in a beautiful house and have a lot of money, you still need someone who understands you and who cares for you.

Come and see us from the 8th of April.

Till then, all the best, Mary and Max