Morning training for mobility and strength
Join us every weekday morning (except for Tuesday) for early morning training sessions at Jurányi! Feel free to try the classes without commitment to see if they fit you.
Led by Réka Szabó (dancer, choreographer, artistic director, The Symptoms) and Enikő Kulcsár Vajda (dancer, trainer, yoga instructor, best known from her Anyatest, "mombod" project), these sessions are based on body art, dynamic yoga, and modern mobility and stretching exercises.
When? 9–10.10AM on Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri.
Where? Jurányi Produkciós Közösségi Inkubátorház, The Symptoms Studio (1st floor)
How much? 1800 HUF/session, 10-session pass for 10 000 HUF. Discount for dancers and actors: 1200 HUF/session, 10 sessions for 6000 HUF. Performance artists are eligible for free training as well if need be.
Learn more:
Morning training with Réka Szabó (Mon, Wed)
Guided training sessions based on body art, focusing on different muscle groups each time. It's easy to follow along after a few sessions, the training builds on breathing, works with strength and softening trains the skeletal muscles, improves flexibility, posture and boosts your mood. We look inward and find our flow to start the day bright and stress-free. Led by Réka Szabó, dancer, choreographer and artistic director of the independent theater-dance performance group The Symptoms.
[Intermediate] Mobility flow with Enikő Kulcsár Vajda (Tue, Fri)
Medium-fast paced guided training that builds on dynamic yoga and modern mobility exercises and uses techniques to support various stretching exercises. We are strong and fast, soft and slow, we seek and push the boundaries of our own body movement. Our goal is to preserve and expand our range of motion, strengthen and support our joints and build our cores. Be stronger, free and explosive in your movement, avoid injuries and build bulletproof joint strength!